01580 831982 (lines open 9am-8pm) info@parkfarmcamping.co.uk


The Park Farm camp grounds here in the South of England are perfect for people like you who want the freedom to pitch anywhere, have campfires, follow walking trails, free fish in the river Rother, or just get away with a group of your camper friends. Our large camp ground in East Sussex is close to the Kent border boasting 18 acres of rich farming land, with an additional 50 acres for private functions.  That means plenty of space for families and groups; and space for motor homes, caravans, and camper vans.  Traditional style camping with modern facilities.

If you have any further queries not answered by our FAQ page, you cannot find us from our location page, you have suggestions, ideas, or words of praise, then please take a moment to contact us on the form below.  We know that even the best camp grounds in East Sussex and Kent can do more, so, we will even accept a complaint if it helps us to improve your camping experience in our beautiful Sussex countryside.

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