01580 831982 (lines open 9am-8pm) info@parkfarmcamping.co.uk

Pitch selectionMany campers ask us: “where is the best place to pitch our tent?”  We often say that it depends on your needs. We thought that by providing these tips it might be useful to some of our visitors.  Of course, here at Park Farm, we will continue to happily assist with your pitch selection.


Pitches near the toilets

  • Pros: Good for children and late night trips
  • Cons: Being passed en-route by other campers

Pitches near a mains water tap

  • Pros: Convenient for replenishing water supplies (water is heavy to carry)
  • Cons: Other campers will be using the taps and excessive running water may begin to spread

Pitches near the entrance or the kiosk

  • Pros: Easier access, especially if the field becomes muddy
  • Cons: Traffic entering and exiting the field will be passing close by

Pitches in the far fields

  • Pros: Less traffic, less noise and distraction
  • Cons: Further from facilities. Access may be more difficult in wet weather

Pitches in the middle of a field

  • Pros: more likely to secure a larger space
  • Cons: No shade. Exposed in windy weather

Pitches along the hedgerows and tree lines

  • Pros: Increased privacy and shade
  • Cons: Shade from trees reduces warmth in tent. Possibility of twigs and leaves falling on to tent